San Jose, California vs. San Jose, Costa Rica

Benny Hill always famously quipped, “Did You Know?” and he would go right into his humorous skit.

However, what I am saying is not humorous. It’s more pathetic than anything else.

Did you know that immigrants desiring to reside in San Jose, Costa Rica must show proof of income. Immigrants to Costa Rica have to show a minimum monthly income, if a pensioner, of $1,000 a month. If a non-pensioner, the immigrant must show income of $2,500 a month.

Yet in San Jose, California, that is not the case; illegal immigrants don’t have to show proof of income period.

Yeah, I know I am comparing legal immigrants in San Jose, Costa Rica to illegal immigrants in San Jose, California, but with the liberal media muting the distinction of illegal immigrant vs. legal immigrant and just calling everybody immigrants makes it fair game for me. So let’s compare the legal immigrants to San Jose, Costa Rica versus the U.S. liberal term “immigrant” which ignores the distinction between legal and illegal immigrant.

You might say it’s a federal issue and not a city issue, but San Jose is a sanctuary city that has no problem with illegal aliens living in our city, so with the Feds overworked at the borders, illegal aliens head for sanctuary cities like San Jose, California. All the illegal has to do is to sneak past the Feds and then the illegal alien gets to live unmolested by sanctuary cities like San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland.

Since our borders are unsecured, the battle for illegal immigration has to be fought at the city level. However, in my opinion, San Jose, California already surrendered.

Illegal aliens can pretty much do about anything they want in this city, from educating their children, getting jobs, driving an automobile, and living unhampered by the politicians and the police (on orders from their politicians).

Yet in Costa Rica, you have to have papers, apply for residency and show proof of income, which is the way the United States used to be when we sought out the “best and the brightest” from around the globe.

In the United States today, however, with the Democrats refusing to honor any sort of criteria, in my opinion, in welcoming illegal immigrants, we are getting illegal immigrants that come in without proof of income, without papers, without health checks, without security checks, without proof they can stay off welfare, without respect for immigration laws (and how many other laws), and without a desire or sense of urgency to learn English!

The federal government isn’t involved because the illegal immigrant stole across our border to begin with so the Feds don’t even know the illegal alien is here (except when they do the 10-year census count).

Illegal immigrants can show up in the city regardless if they have income or not. No one checks or appears to care.

Of course, you and I know that the illegal alien is never far removed from an income with employers choosing or not choosing to follow E-verify to see if the prospective employee is here legally.

You can make money, also, without worrying about E-verify. Look to the public sidewalks surrounding Home Depot and ask yourself if that guy in the pickup truck is checking legal status on the day laborer he just picked up.

How nice; get paid in cash for a day job. Don’t have to report on taxes. Don’t have to pay San Jose business tax as an independent contractor. Take the money home and stash the cash around the house until have enough to send to country of origin via Western Union.

No income, no problem in San Jose. No one in authority seems to give a rat’s behind about all the day laborers being picked up around the city. I wonder how Workmen’s Comp works on this issue if the day laborer happens to be an “undocumented” illegal alien.

Couldn’t the city of San Jose put up “No Loitering” signs on all the public sidewalks surrounding the day laborer pick up spots? No they won’t. It takes leadership and the current political leaders don’t want to offend anyone. Also, it is just part of San Jose’s credo not to harass the illegal immigrant population that may be one of the day laborers. What’s a little revenue loss to the city when it has tons of money from affluent homeowners and rich companies?

By the way, or using Benny Hill’s quip, did you know that immigrants to San Jose, Costa Rica (actually anywhere in Costa Rica) CANNOT get a job for THREE YEARS? Yet in San Jose, California, an illegal immigrant can start making money immediately.

Tips: want to make money, stand on public sidewalks not only around Home Depot, but check out paint stores and rental truck businesses. Don’t stand on private property. Make sure there are no signs forbidding loitering.

Also, check out the new home building companies. In the market heydey before the crash, Credit Suisse did a study that showed the sub-contractors working for contractors used a lot of illegal immigrant labor. Maybe still do, don’t know. Check it out!

San Jose, California could learn a lot from San Jose, Costa Rica.

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